We present a program of events and proposals to commemorate Europe Day in collaboration with pro-European entities and institutions in the country, showing the commitment to the values represented by the EU.
Highlighting the importance of this collaboration between institutions and the civic movement, Dolors Camats, director of the Fundació Catalunya Europa, emphasized that "the success of this joint program demonstrates a great understanding and cooperation among the different entities, who have worked hard to achieve this celebration in such a significant year."
In addition, the need to raise awareness among citizens about the importance of participation and influence in European institutions was highlighted, following the publication of a survey by the European Parliament and the Centre for Opinion Studies, which reveals that the majority of Catalans feel their individual and collective voice is not heard enough in European institutions, while half believe that what is decided in these institutions does not affect them. As pro-European entities, it is essential that these findings alert us to the importance of European values, which have guaranteed peace, welfare, and security for so many Europeans.
It is crucial to share this vision with the rest of the citizens and foster constructive criticism that elevates these values, rather than falling into indifference. For this reason, we have gathered a wide range of testimonies in video format on the diadeuropa.cat portal, where people have shared with us the importance of being part of the EU and actively participating in it.
Many decisions made at the European level have a direct impact on our daily lives, from issues like peace, currently at risk in the EU, to matters like the continuation of public investment allowing for social policies that block the far-right populism, as well as mobility in our cities or opportunities for students, such as going on Erasmus or benefiting from mass vaccination during Covid. Unfortunately, citizens are often unaware of all these repercussions.
It is important to remember that we have a recognized voice in the EU and that everything decided there directly affects us. During this election period, we find ourselves at a crucial turning point in European politics. Issues like accelerating the Green Deal, adapting to climate change, expanding the EU, supporting Ukraine, and fighting far-right populism are at stake, but the most important aspect is the possibility of finally giving the European Union its own distinct identity, with a democratic, economic, and political foundation.
Only through a more politically united Europe, stronger economically, and with a more prominent role for cities and citizens, both within and beyond its borders, will we be able to successfully face this new period of European construction. This is the challenge we have in the run-up to the European elections: a mobilization that will make this transformation possible.