Events, Awards and Grants

The award from the European Commission and the Catalonia Europe Foundation aims to promote young people's knowledge and interest in the European Union

Open call | Young Europe Award 2025

The Representation of the European Commission in Barcelona and the Catalunya Europa Foundation are convening the fourth edition of the "Young Europe Award", a recognition that highlights the best high school research papers on European subjects, with the aim of fostering interest in reality of the European Union among young people.

The prize is open to all high school students in Catalonia who are carrying out a project on one of the priority topics of the EU's strategic agenda for the period 2024-2029, which covers topics such as a clean industrial pact, competitiveness and productivity in Europe, the Mediterranean, housing or mental health, or other political, economic, scientific or social issues approached from a European perspective.

The awards include a first prize of €500 and two prizes of €250, as well as an educational visit to European institutions in Brussels. The award ceremony will take place at the headquarters of the European Commission in Barcelona, ??and the awarded works will be published on the websites of the Catalunya Europa Foundation and the Representation of the European Commission in Barcelona.

The submission deadline ends on April 11, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. CEST. Form.
